Tuesday: The Day for Creativity

8:17 AM Unknown 3 Comments

Welcome to this fine Tuesday! Today's edition of Scribbles brings us a poem written by Malachi; the poem deals with the idea of anger, and how it can be deadly if not controlled.


It stalks in a cave, prancing left, right

Like a monster in the dark, creeping in the cold night

It is trapped, caged, thrashing about furiously

Planning its escape, it’s every move, meticulously


The iron bars of its cage threaten to bend, to break

It slithers about effortlessly, like a snake

The cage can barely contain it, it battles every day

It weakens the sides, and the lock breaks away


It lashes out, claws sharp, fangs gleaming

It rips everything apart with growling and screaming

All barriers crack, all Hell breaks loose

It spares none, it sends them all to the noose


The chaos complete, it settles once more

But if it is riled it will scrape to the core

Of everything decent, of everything kind

Not realizing that it's putting itself in a bind


It is this thing called Anger, and you better beware

If you let it take over, nothing will it spare

 All of us struggle with anger at one time or another, but if you think about it, it really is very dangerous to unleash, and it can be hard to overcome. Give us your suggestions on how you hold your temper back, in the comments, and come back tomorrow for more Scribble goodiness!!


  1. I'm the sort of person who has no control over emotions. Especially, anger. And, if there is one thing that I do to make myself less red is by singing a happy song, loudly.

    Of course, I pull my little act behind the closed doors. I don't want to come across as a crazy person.:P

    1. Being the sporty guy that I am, I like to go out and shoot hoops, or Juggle my soccer ball. It helps me get my mind focusing on other things like school and friendships. I also sometimes go the music route, it really depends

  2. If I'm angry I will:

    - Bake something. It keeps me distracted, I can punch and beat the life out of the batter or dough or whatever, and at the end of it all I have something tasty ^_^ You can tell just how mad I am by how much I'm baking or how hard the recipe is. The more I make and harder it is, the angrier I am >.>

    - Write a letter or poem or something like that.

    - Blast music.

    - Go over a dance routine in my head or even practice it. '

    - Or if Im really really really mad I will do all of the above >.>
