Who's Ready For Summer Vacation?!?!

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Hello there! Thank you for making Scribbles part of your day today! Today is Friday so as usual we've got questions from YOU for US to answer, so here we go!

1.) Which is your favorite season: summer or winter? 
Malachi: Summer, hands down! I mean sure you've got to mow, it can be extremely hot, and sometimes very hectic, but on the plus side you've got so much you can potentially do. Swimming, outdoor sports of all kinds if that's your thing, biking, hiking, hanging out late at night because of no school, going to camps, and amusement parks!! There is so much to love.

Sarah: Believe it or not, I like winter. I generally don't like summer mostly because I can't tolerate heat very well and I normally have really bad pollen allergies. I really do love the snow, I love the cold, and I actually don't mind shoveling :P plus my birthday is in the winter! Ok, partial lie, it's still actually fall, but it's December so everyone likes to pretend it's winter :P I'm kind of creeped out by this question because the night before having this question sent in I honest to god had a dream that we got a question like this >.<

2.) Do you guys have any plans for the summer?

Malachi: It's not that busy, what with summer camp, senior class fundraisers, preseason basketball and soccer practices and work days, cousins visiting, doing jobs for money, hanging out with friends, going to amusement parks and all. >.> Dull as can be ya know. ;)

Sarah: My brother, mom, and I are supposed to be going away at the end of this month, but we haven't been able to agree upon where >.> It's either the Grand Canyon, Disney World, Washington D.C. or Hershey Park. I'm going to do something similar to a "Best Buddies" type thing. My friend's little sister is special, so I'm going to spend a few hours a week with her and do fun stuff ^_^ I'm going to go visit colleges because well, I'm going to be a senior >.> I'm going to start my old babysitting job back up and maybe get a "real job". I plan on doing a lot of reading and a lot more novel writing ;)

3.) How long does it take to write a post? 

Malachi: It really tends to vary day to day and week to week. Mondays can take from half and hour to an hour AND a half, while Thursdays can vary in that time range as well. Fridays take a little while with answering all the questions you give us!! The longer the better though, so keep sending them!

Sarah: It kind of varies, it totally depends on what type of a post it is. Like for the Tuesday posts, sometimes when copying and pasting poetry, the formatting doesn't copy over and so I have to go in and format it myself >.< just that alone can take 30 minutes to an hour to do. A post like, say Wednesday, can take about an hour to two hours to write. I normally write posts from a rather glitchy app called Puffin on my ipad and the blogger app on my ipod and so it takes significantly longer than if I did a post from my laptop. If I wrote posts from my laptop it would take almost less than half of these times to write posts.

4.) Why aren't you guys a couple? You'd be so cute together!

Malachi: What she said. Plus, certain people in real life ;)

Sarah: 1) I don't do long distance relationships. 2) Malachi is like my best friend and I would like to keep it that way :P

That will just about do it for this week of Scribbles. We hope you make the most of your fantastic weekend and that we'll see you back again on Monday! If you need to join or Facebook page, our YWS fan club, or you just need to subscribe, go ahead now! You can find more information about Scribbles in the tabs at the top of the page, so go check them out! :)

See you next week!