Friday and Chapter 2 of Lyca

7:00 AM Sarah 0 Comments

Hey Scribblets! Friday's are changing once again! We know, we keep changing things, but we're experimenting and trying to find what interests you guys! We will no longer have interviews on Fridays! :O Instead, it will still be Question Friday (so please submit questions still) and now, Guest Writer Friday! Yes! That's right! You can write a post for Scribbles. More details will follow in the following days, but for now, all you need to know is, YOU CAN WRITE FOR SCRIBBLES!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!! *does a little dance*

Also, you may have seen this message floating around the facebook page and the fan club:
"Hi there!
Scibblets, you do a fantastic job of supporting the blog, but Wednesdays are notoriously lower in page views. It's also a day that Malachi and Sarah struggle to write for you due to the nature of the post. Also, with school starting it's harder to keep up with Scribbles. Because of these three things, Scribbles is announcing that Wednesday posts will be officially ending today. We'll go to a Monday-Tuesday, Thursday-Friday posting schedule. That way we have the time to get you the best content! Thanks! you guys and gals are the best!
Yes, it's official guys, no more Wednesday posts.

*Moment of silence* 

Anyway, people have been nagging Sarah to post chapter two of Lyca- and because she finally edited it last week, she has decided it to be posting worthy.

For those of you who want to read chapter one, click me!

Chapter 2
I woke up startled and confused. For a moment I forgot where I was or what the year was. It took me a moment to make sense of my thoughts and surroundings. You are in your new home in Lyca, Maine. Kaeni is thousands of miles away now. You are not in Indiana. I glanced at my black digital alarm clock. 2:03 AM glowed in blue. Whack, whack. Some unknown thing was hitting what I guessed to be the garage. There were so many new sounds that I wasn't used to. The house settling, owls hooting, the lack of cars and sirens going by, it was so quiet- yet so loud. I just couldn't sleep. Everything was so strange and unfamiliar. I just really wanted to go back home to Indiana, I wanted to be anywhere but here.

 I'm still not entirely sure why Mom and Dad were in such a rush to move us here. A few days after our birthday, they were like, "Pack your bags, we're moving to Maine!" 

It was just sudden. I didn't have time to say bye to my friends, I had to immediately just pack up and leave. We were happy in Avon. Mom loved her job; Dad was content with his. I had friends, I was doing well in school, everything was just fine the way it was.

I really missed my friends. I have this horrid feeling in my gut, that school last Friday was the last day I would ever see them again. I can't even call or email them. The Wi-Fi hasn't been set up, I don't have a cell phone, and the house phone hasn't been turned on. They didn't even know we moved away.

Will they miss me when I don't show up to school on Monday? Will they think the worse had happened and that my family had been kidnapped or something?  

Does Lyca even have a basketball team? Basketball was my life; if this town doesn't have a team then it really wasn't worth the move. I can't be without basketball. We don't even have a basketball hoop here. Dad said we couldn't bring it with us.

What is school even like here? Mom had said during the sixteen hour car ride that they had a different method of schooling. She never specified how it was different; she simply said it was different than I was used to. How many different types of school are there? I mean I was homeschooled and I've been to private school. Is there any other type of schooling, vocational maybe? I guess I’ll find out soon enough.  

I stared up at the ceiling. I was homesick and I wasn't even here for an entire day. I didn't have basketball, I didn't have friends, and I'm thousands of miles away from home.
 The wind banged an old witch-hazel tree's branches against the house. I felt restless. This was an unfamiliar place and my mind had started to overthink everything.  I needed some fresh air and a walk.

I pulled the covers off and sat over on the side of my bed. I instantly regretted my decision. My bare feet made contact with the cold wooden floor. My short sleeved T-shirt did little to keep me warm. I considered going back to bed, but I had far too much nervous energy to sleep. I got up and walked around my room and refused the desire to return to the warmth of my bed- despite the fact goose-bumps covered my arms and I was starting to shiver. I walked over to some boxes that had my clothes in it and shifted through to find a warm coat and sweats. I was going to take a walk outside.

I grabbed my Nike sneakers and quietly opened up my bedroom door. I walked as silently as possible down the stairs and to the back door. I slipped on the sneakers and opened the door. I was quickly greeted with a fringed wind blowing a mix of light snow and rain. I pulled the hood of the coat over my head and pushed myself into the wind.

Why on earth am I going outside? It's far too cold and I'll probably get hypothermia. I ignored my own reasonable logic and started running towards the woods. I had no idea why I wanted so badly to go to the forest. I just felt it calling me. Why am I doing this? Malachi get back in the house and go to bed! My feet defiantly continued to carry me through the backyard to the woods.

Awhoo! A wolf's cry broke through the whistling wind. I stopped dead in my tracks. Awhoo! Another wolf joined in with the other howl. This is Maine, there's bound to be wolf packs. I should go inside, those wolves sounded awfully close.

I kept walking to the woods though- the howls didn't frighten me like they probably should have. It was almost soothing to hear them. I- for some reason, longed to join in.

I heard more wolves join in. Then I heard a howl I never heard before. It was not a wolf’s howl, it was something else. It was somehow familiar, like I knew exactly what it was- yet I had no clue.  

You are an idiot, you are cold and wet, and there are wild animals that could tear you to shreds, get your butt back inside. I saw a flash of movement out of the corner of my eye. I was surprised I wasn't that scared. Get inside, you're being so stupid, that was a wolf, get back inside! My feet finally obeyed and I sprinted back to the house. When I got inside I shed my cold and wet clothes and kicked off my sneakers. I clamored up the stairs to my room and swiftly opened the bedroom door. I threw my pj’s back on before I hopped in my bed and pulled on my warm and dry blankets.

Awhoo! Another wolf's cry pierced the night. I buried my head in my pillow and drifted off to sleep. 

Well, this concludes this week here on Scribbles! Be sure to submit a question for Friday, submit a work for Tuesday, and to vote in this week's fandom!

Remember, we are always open to our readers suggestions and ideas! We love fandom ideas and feedback about the blog! You can contact us here!

Bye guys!