Friday, Froyo, and Music!

8:24 AM Sarah 0 Comments

It's Friday! :D WOOOHHOOOO!!!!! :D You know what that means, its Question Time!!! :D

Do you have a question for Sarah and Malachi? Just check out the Submit a Question page tab.

1) What is you favorite food that you "live on" all the time during the hot summer?

Malachi: Watermelon is the bomb for sure. I also never turn down ice cream, or ice cold lemonade. Or slushies. Or basically anything cold and sweet.

Sarah: Watermelon. I love watermelon <3 Oh slushies too!!! I haven't had a slushie in ages >.<


Disney Sidekicks: Abu vs Max

1:41 PM Sarah 3 Comments

Sarah is kind of starting to slowly take over Scribbles O.O Shhh! Don't let Malachi know that this is only phase one of her evil plan. Phase two is taking over the entire universe. Anywho, its that time of the week!

Ok, it's really Fandom Thursday, but shhh!!! Don't let that Camel know!


Gamer Science

8:00 AM Unknown 2 Comments

Sarah may have temporarily taken over the Wednesday news posts and turning them into science nerdy things >.> But science is soooo cool though! Sarah loves science!

I don't know about you guys, but growing up I had a Nintendo DS and a Gameboy. And of course, these handheld game consoles had those game chips. Sometimes you'd pop in a game chip and then OH MY GOSH IT'S NOT WORKING!!! So you did the logical thing that you had done countless times just like so many other people, and you would blow on the game chip and in the slot to get it to work. You assumed that you were getting rid of dust and improving the conductivity of the metal so the game would play.



8:22 AM Sarah 0 Comments

Hey guys! Today we have an awesome short story by Mike! This story really puts into perspective the writing process and what quite a few of us writers go through when writing a story. Things are sometimes a bit- backwards- in the writing process and Mike really proves that with this short story.

By Mike 

In the last minute of December 11th he put the pen down and said, "There."

A few minutes before he struggled through the last few sentences, the words that would stay with the reader and give them closure. Well, it was more of the protagonist dropping a beverage in a parking lot. He reasoned that it was the perfect ending, a period on the end of a sentence that started with the emphasis on her clumsiness.


Memorial Day Veteran's Tribute

9:37 AM Sarah 0 Comments

It's Memorial Day here in the states and Scribbles would like to take the time to honor all the amazing men and women who have served their country. We want to start off with an iconic poem:

Freedom Is Not Free
by Kelly Strong

I watched the flag pass by one day.
It fluttered in the breeze.
A young Marine saluted it,
and then he stood at ease.
I looked at him in uniform
So young, so tall, so proud,
He'd stand out in any crowd.
I thought how many men like him
Had fallen through the years.
How many died on foreign soil?
How many mothers' tears?
How many pilots' planes shot down?
How many died at sea?
How many foxholes were soldiers' graves?
No, freedom isn't free.


Harbor Seals, Unicorns, and Sweet Tea!

8:10 AM Sarah 0 Comments

Oh no! Another week has come to an end already? :O Im not sure how this happened. Does anyone have a TARDIS we could possibly borrow? We're going back to Monday so we can write double the posts for Scribbles! ;)

So who's ready for Q&A? :D

1) What got you guys into writing?

Malachi: It was my cousins who got me into writing. They came to my house one year, and they were both talking about NaNoWriMo. It really intrigued my interests about writing in general, and so I attempted a few short stories. When those turned out well I got inspired and began to write a novella which I finished at 38,000 words. Since then it's been all uphill!


How To Train Your Dragon Fandom

8:51 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello all! We know you're just dying to hear the results of last week's fandom post, so here it is!!!! With a 66 to 33 percentage the winner is ............ IRON MAN!!! While The Hulk is extremely strong, and therefore very tough to beat, Iron Man's combination of HulkBuster armor, gadgets, technological weapons, and ability to keep calm while fighting, he out-maneuvered, out smarted, and out-beat The Hulk. He definitely had a bit of difficulty doing this, and he's got his share of bruises, Iron Man remains victorious.

So, what do you think? Was it a fair judgment? If not, tell us why in the comments and be sure to check out next week's fandom which will be *drumroll* Hawkeye v Green Arrow! Be sure to check it out next Thursday where the two superheroes skills ill be broken down and discussed. And now, this week in the realm movies and TV series' we have How To Train Your Dragon.



Puppy Love

8:35 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello! For those of you unaware, Sarah loves science. Like loves loves loooovvvveeeessss science. So today we are letting Sarah go all nerdy ;)

So we finally know why we cant resist those adorable puppy faces! Humans and dogs have co-evolved to have a stronger emotional bond with each other than other animals. Basically both of you release high levels of oxytocin when you look at each other or spend time together. Oxytocin is the most important chemical your body uses to form relationships and is the same chemical that is released when caring for  your own children!


Tuesday and the Beast!

8:28 AM Sarah 0 Comments

Welcome to Tuesday here at Scribbles! Today, Sarah's awesome friend, Maria, has shared her amazing poetry with us!

Note: this is a slam poem so the formatting is a little weird to read.

The Beast 
by Maria Krim

I lie in my bed, the foreboding darkness engulfing me, 
the agonizing silence mixed with the subtle heartbeat that my chest gave off, increasing in speed as the beast drew near. 
I felt its paws drag up my blanket,
 it's tail flicking ravenously, 
it licking its jaw in preparation for its next meal. 
I hear only growls from this beast, 
mixed with hisses that sounded as if hell had maimed itself within this creatures throat. 


Alexi's Grand Adventure Part 4

1:05 PM Sarah 0 Comments

Heeeelllllooooo!!!! :D Welcome to this week's post! It is the fourth part of Alexi's adventure, and things are just starting to get interesting!

Last week: At last the chair came to a stop in front of a pair of non-impressing, wooden doors. The chair began to sink into the floor, so Alexi hopped off of it. The door had a small gold sign with an engraving that read: Dr. Oper, Chief Holographic Expert. Alexi grabbed the brass knobs and pulled the doors open.

This week: Alexi hesitated a moment, not quite sure if she wanted to open the door, and run in the orher direction. She stepped forward, ever so slowly, looking into a room filled with desks, computers, flashing lights, black electrical boxes, TV screens, and wires winding in every direction. At the far back wall, some forty feet away from Alexi, a man stood hunched over one particular computer screen. From the light coming from all of the screens, the man looked tall, wiry, with a shock of red hair that looked as if a nuclear bomb had exploded in the middle of it. The man's outline gave off a bluish tint due to the screens.


Scribbles Revamp

7:40 PM Sarah 0 Comments

Hello everyone! Malachi and Sarah have been talking and they both agreed Scribbles needs a bit of a revamp. As much as they love the beige/tan/brown color scheme, let's face it, it's boring and blah! So we are enlisting you, our amazing fans, to choose a new color scheme!

These are the 11 possible color themes you can choose from:

Green colors:

Color Scheme #1


A Very Fun Question Friday

8:00 AM Sarah 0 Comments

Another week has come to a close yet again. It's ok. we're sad too. We wish the week was longer just so we had an excuse to write more blog posts. But there isn't so, here's David Tennant standing in the rain looking very sad: 

But enough sadness! Today we have a special guest, Jupiter the Talking Cat*! Jupiter will be answering some of his fan questions here on Scribbles! :D


Hulk vs Iron Man

9:28 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Another fandom battle between Malachi and Sarah is taking place on Scribbles today! Today they will fight to see who is better, Iron Man or the Hulk. Remember you can vote here to for your favorite fandom.

Sarah's Fandom: Iron Man


Pay It Forward

8:00 AM Sarah 2 Comments

Hello everyone! Welcome to Wednesday's post!

Today's post is going to be about someone Sarah actually knows personally. Her mom's friend from her work, Kathleen "Coco" Connors, recently moved to Vermont. She is an RN at a hospital there. One day last November, Coco stopped at a local diner for breakfast after working a night shift. She got her usual, and when she went to pay the bill, she not only paid for herself, but for a father and son at another table. 

"I was looking around aimlessly and I had a pocket full of bingo winnings. It's nice to see a family come together on the weekend." She stated on her Facebook. 

After paying $40 for both meals, she got in her truck and went home. What she didn't know was that her generosity would be repeated -- 46 times -- in the span of 6 hours. 


Tuesday: The Day for Creativity

8:17 AM Unknown 3 Comments

Welcome to this fine Tuesday! Today's edition of Scribbles brings us a poem written by Malachi; the poem deals with the idea of anger, and how it can be deadly if not controlled.


It stalks in a cave, prancing left, right

Like a monster in the dark, creeping in the cold night

It is trapped, caged, thrashing about furiously

Planning its escape, it’s every move, meticulously



Alexi's Adventure Part 3

8:39 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Last week: Schools of fish slivered by, their smooth scales reflecting sunlight at Alexi, who was now being whizzed away once again. This time the chair took her down a gradual incline into a circular, black room. Alexi was apprehensive, and she could hear something walking heavily around her. A blast of hot air made her jump in her seat. Her hair stood on the back of her neck, and she tensed up.

This week: Alexi's nerves were on the fringe of snapping. The chairs moving about had made her feel dizzy, and now that she was in a pitch-black room, with some animal breathing down her neck, she was finding it hard not to scream. The animal puffed again, then snarled. Lights flickered on, and instantaneously the chair swiveled. Alexi sat face to face with a lion. A giant, snarling, lion, with razor-sharp teeth. She jumped back in front, tumbling out of her chair. Alexi hit the ground hard, and the wind was driven out of her. She rolled to the side, gasping for air.


Hungry Fish and Writing Days

9:13 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Another week of Scribbles has come to an end :( Don't fret! You still have today's post to look forward to ^_^

Every week we ask fans like you to submit questions for Malachi and Sarah to answer, so if you have a question, submit one here.

1) Do you guys ever feed the fish? 'Cause they seem rather starved when I get to it.

Malachi: I feed them ALL THE TIME!! But see, these fish are from an alternate universe and they are used to eating much, much more, so they need to be fed a lot. But Sarah and Malachi are busy so we enlist your help.


Thursday Fandom: Who is the winner?

11:11 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Welcome to Fandom Thursday once again!

And here's the announcement you've been waiting for all week! The results are in from last week's poll. Drum roll please!


Air Panda

8:32 PM Sarah 0 Comments

Little known facts about pandas:

- They fly first class in airplanes

Did you know that? I didn't either until recently. Back in 2003 two pandas were shipped in a FedEx plane from China to Tennessee in First Class. Ya Ya and Le Le (the pandas) were put into special cages for the 16hr trip. According to the special crew aboard the plane, the pandas were happy and adorable.


Our Amazing World

8:21 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Welcome back to Creative Tuesday! This week we have a fan submited poem from CaptainSaltWater! 

Remember, you can submit your works here too! Click this link for a redirect to the Work Submission information.

Our Amazing World 

What a miraculous world,
with amazing blue skies.
To as small as a snippet of grass,
to as tall as the mountain highs.


Alexi's Journey Continues

9:08 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Welcome to the third week of Scribbles! This week we will be returning to "Alexi's grand Adventure"  where last time we learned that she was dropped from her bed into a mysterious white corridor, and was talked to by someone over a loudspeaker ...

A bell not seen, but clearly heard by Alexi, chimed away twelve times, and then all was silent. The floor and walls stopped shaking violently. Alexi stood, shivering, not at all confident in what was going on. The voice began to talk again, but this time the walls and floors remained still.

"You seem a bit frightened, Alexi. Don't be. You are completely safe. We have taken you here for your enjoyment, so please, sit down and enjoy the ride."

"Ride?" Alexi mouthed.


Question Time!

9:58 AM Unknown 0 Comments

It's Friday here again at Scribbles, you know what that means, it's QUESTION TIME! :D

Ok, Rebeca Black was probably uncalled for...