Return Date Announcement! (And What Happened To The Guy In The Forest?)

3:35 PM Unknown 0 Comments

We're here again! Scribbles has finally gotten down a return date, and none too soon. We know you're all dying to see when we'll be returning, but, there's first this little matter of a man fighting a beast in a jungle. So let's get back to that, shall we! And if you stick around till the end, there may be a certain string of numbers you've been waiting for! Now the ending voted by you the fans by a score of 60 to 40!

The man swiped like a madman, slicing the beast’s soft underbelly. It sprang back on its haunches with a screech, flaring its nostrils and pawing the ground. A bright flash in the trees caught its attention, giving the man enough time to stand and run the opposite direction. Just when the beast was about to give chase, an emerald arrow pierced its neck in between the scaly skin. The best staggered, then collapsed.

The man stopped when he heard the heavy thud. He saw the dead beast, saw the shaft buried in its body. What he didn’t see was the arrow zipping towards his chest. It threw him to the ground, and his entire body lit up with pain. A single cry emerged from his throat, and the tears flowed freely down his cheeks. The color drained from his face and he lost feeling. His body was giving up. His eyes closed and his heart stopped.
The unseen archer soon was at the side of the fallen man. He snatched a leather satchel that the fleeing man had dropped in the conflict.

“You never escape the Emerald. Never.”
There it is! It was a close vote, but letter B won, showing that you wanted to see the man get away, or at the least, see a good action scene! And as a result you met a member of the Emerald! The Emerald is an organization that you will see in upcoming posts when we begin "Beasts of Astoria", the choice voted on Facebook! 

And now, the moment you've been waiting for:

That's right folks! We're coming back on New Years! Now you have an even more legitimate reason to stay up to 3 or 4am! (EST time that is) 

See you on New Years! 



We're Almost Back!

5:40 PM Unknown 6 Comments

Hey! Scribbleteers, what is up? It's been a long time since we've seen each other! And while we are not quite ready to re-launch, (the day is drawing closer though) we want to give you a taste of what is coming, and to show our appreciation for your patience with us. :) The following story is an example of what our Monday's will be like. A chapter will be written, and then, based on your choice, the next week it will continue in the direction you want. So without further introduction:

The forest was enshrouded in a fine mist. The rain had kept up through the night, taking turns pouring in huge downfalls, then subsiding to nothing more than a light drizzle. Now, as morning dawned, the sun fought with all its might to fight through the dense blanket of clouds and spread warmth on the earth, and specifically on the dark forest running along the high cliffs of Astoria.