A Very Fun Question Friday

8:00 AM Sarah 0 Comments

Another week has come to a close yet again. It's ok. we're sad too. We wish the week was longer just so we had an excuse to write more blog posts. But there isn't so, here's David Tennant standing in the rain looking very sad: 

But enough sadness! Today we have a special guest, Jupiter the Talking Cat*! Jupiter will be answering some of his fan questions here on Scribbles! :D

*Jupiter has no idea he is doing this and is not affiliated with Scribbles.

This week's Q&A:

1) Quick! What is your favorite type of pie, and why did you start Scribbles?

Malachi: Oooooh food questions! Me likiiiie ^_^  This is a tough question, and it depends on the maker of the pie, and if there is ice cream, but as an old school guy, it's gotta be apple pie. It's the sort of pie that no matter who makes it, I ALWAYS enjoy it. There is no other pie where this is the case that I have discovered as of yet. Now, as to question number two: I am a writer, and as fellow writers will understand, sometimes it's difficult to motivate yourself to write, even if you really like writing. I am working on some other writing projects, but I thought it was time I start expounding my range of topics and fanbase. Also, another huge part was that since this is a daily blog, and it's co-written, I have to stay on top of things, be organized, and most importantly WRITE EVERY DAY. This is key in me keeping my skills up to par. Also, I love interaction with other people, so hearing what they have to think on these topics is fun. And Sarah is the Bomb.com so doing this with her is super fun because of her personality and humor!!!!

Sarah: My favorite pie would have to be cherry. I love cherry pie. In fact I made cherry pie last weekend. I also happen to hate apple pie, but shh! Don't tell Malachi. ^_^ Scribbles was totally Malachi's idea. I just kind of agreed to do it with him. I guess it was mostly started because we are both writers (we literally live and breathe writing as well as air ;) ) and we were looking to do something different than our normal poetry and novel writing. We're really good friends and we also wanted to do something writing related together. Plus we wanted something we would have to stay committed to. Malachi, you flatter me. Malachi is really cool to work with too. :)

2) How do you know how much imagery to use in description?

Malachi: I'm going to agree with Sarah on this: it can be really difficult to know how much is too much. When writing, you have the whole layout in your mind ,and sometimes you can forget to add details that others don't know about, so reading out loud is always something I would recommend if you are unsure. It also helps with editing dialogue and just writing in general. Another option is just to have someone else read your story and then you can ask them if they could envision everything at a good pace. If they say yes you still might want to polish it (this is just part of what a writer does), and if they say no, you know you need more work! If your readers get bored with details (notice I said readers PLURAL because personal preferences vary, so it's good to get multiple opinions) you can trim down a notch.

Sarah:  It really depends on what you're writing, the effect you want to have, and your writing style. I like to have someone read to me what I wrote (or record myself reading) and if I have an easy time visualizing what is being read there is enough imagery. If you have a hard time visualizing it then you should probably put more in. 

Have a question you want to submit to be answered next week? Click this link: Submit a Question. 

This concludes this week's Q&A! Have a great weekend, and comment below on your favorite type of pie!

Also, before you go... DANCE LITTLE FLUBBER DUDE!!! DANCE!!!!! 

For music, click/press play:


If you took the time to scroll all the way down here, well done! Sarah and Malachi would like to announce that they will be working on new design looks for the blog, and will be making a special blog post on Sunday!
