Friday, Froyo, and Music!

8:24 AM Sarah 0 Comments

It's Friday! :D WOOOHHOOOO!!!!! :D You know what that means, its Question Time!!! :D

Do you have a question for Sarah and Malachi? Just check out the Submit a Question page tab.

1) What is you favorite food that you "live on" all the time during the hot summer?

Malachi: Watermelon is the bomb for sure. I also never turn down ice cream, or ice cold lemonade. Or slushies. Or basically anything cold and sweet.

Sarah: Watermelon. I love watermelon <3 Oh slushies too!!! I haven't had a slushie in ages >.<

2) What technology gadgets/devices do you own and use daily?

Malachi: I own my Microsoft surface RT that I got it as a present for Christmas. I use it a whole bunch every day. I'm probably gonna kill it way too soon >.> My family also has a PS3 if that counts, and I generally play it each day.

Sarah: I use my iPad daily, but I don't own it, it's a rental from the school. I also use my laptop. My cell phone and iPod I guess are used whenever I can hunt down a charger for them, otherwise I would use them more often.

3) How do you like your froyo?

Malachi: Deeeeear. I haven't had froyo in so long. I seriously can't remember :(

Sarah: I like strawberry or strawberry/banana froyo with strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, jimmies (chocolate sprinkles), bursting bobas and whipped cream. Once in awhile I may have M&M's and crushed oreos in it. *Steals Malachi and takes him to get froyo* 

*silently sneaks in that froyo music video from Liv and Maddie*

4) What is your favorite music genre/songs? 

Malachi: I don't listen to that much, but it tends to generally be soundtracks and the like. Lots of exciting and inspirational music from orchestras like Two Steps From Hell, and Instrumental Core.

Sarah: I like a lot of songs and music so this will be fun to try to answer. As a general rule, I will listen to just about anything but country and rap. And when I say I will listen to just about anything, I mean pretty much anything, so I do listen to latino style music, showtunes, steampunk, dubstep, literally just about anything. My top favorite artists would be the Beatles, Badfinger, Owl City, Michael Buble, Frank Sinatra, Pitbull, Chicago, Simon and Garfunkel, Jack Johnson, Randy Newman, David Guetta, Train, Coldplay, Onerepublic, Colbie Caillat, Vitamin String Quartet, American Authors,, Imagine Dragons, Eagles, Maroon 5, Aerosmith, The Black Eyed Peas, and Julie Andrews.

5) Would you ever consider hosting free-writing contests? (Not for money)

Malachi and Sarah: We do not plan to host a writing contest in the future.

6) What genres of literature do you two prefer?

Malachi: I like a few different genres. My favorites are historical fiction, light fantasy, and basically anything with a good, gripping story, and convincing people. Anything with lots of action and fighting is always good, and suspense never hurt a book!! (it does make my heart hurt from waiting to find out what is going on!!)

Sarah: Um, I read a lot of books that are from a lot of different genres. Like I read A LOT of books. I will read just about anything honestly. I guess the mainer genres I tend to read more would be mystery, sci-fi, fantasy, um boarderline supernatural stuff, theological, historical fiction, romance, realistic fiction, I kind of have a thing for classic english litature, and I guess sciencey stuff.

This concludes this Friday's post! Come back Monday for more Scribbles awesomeness!

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