A Relaxing Monday

8:23 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello all! We're taking a little break from Alexi's Grand Adventures, but don't worry, the weekly serial will continue soon!

Monday's are always so stressful; it's the beginning of the work week, the start of school, and things can get so busy and hectic that we forget to take a moment to just breathe a little bit. So today's post will be about relaxing and getting a little "me time" into your Monday.

First, find a quiet place or quieter place where you can escape the chaos for a few minutes. If you cant find a place for whatever reason, that's ok.

Take a slow deep breath, now exhale slowly. Inhale again, and exhale again. Do this a couple more times.

Now don't think about your crazy hectic day ahead of you (or behind you) if you can. Just think about this moment. This calm and peaceful moment. Don't worry about anything going on around you, don't worry about that test next period, that work thing, just take this moment to embrace the peace and quiet.

Now if you have time, you can listen to the playlist below or the guided meditation. You can always come back to this calm and relaxing place by doing the breathing exercise over again and/or doing the meditation below and listening to the music playlist.

Here's some happy and mellow music:

A British dude with a very relaxing and soothing voice doing a guided meditation to help you with your stress:
(Mediation takes about 12 minutes and requires somewhere you can lay down)

Hopefully this helps you have a less stressful start to your week!

In case you haven't noticed, Scribbles had a bit of a revamp! New color scheme and everything! There's also a new page tab! The Fandom Poll tab will always display the latest Fandom Thursday poll. If you haven't already voted for last weeks poll, feel free to check out that new tab ;)

What do you do to call down and relax? Comment your response below!

One of Sarah's and Malachi's favorite ways to relax is reading a book.

No, that's not us, but we can pretend it is. ;) 

See ya Tuesday!
