A Tribute to Malachi's Awesome

9:20 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Today is a very sad day, why is it a sad day? Poor Scribbles co-writer, Malachi, is sick. He came down with a fever earlier this week. So to make him feel a bit better, today will be a tribute to his Awesomenessssss.

Malachi is amazing person. He's an awesome writer, an overall cool kid, and a really great friend. He's always there when you need someone to talk to and is willing to listen to whatever you have to say. He was there for me when I needed someone to talk to and has helped pull me through some really rough times.

He's a goofball and is really fun to talk to. He's chivoulous and gentlemanly, which is something I'm pretty sure is becoming a rarity in todays world. I've never seen him play, but I'm 100% sure he's an amazing basketball player and soccer player. His singing could put Frank Sinatra to shame. Ok, maybe not quite at that level, but he's still pretty high up there in my opinion.

His writing skills be amaze! ^_^ Malachi has a strong writers voice that I can only describe as epic. He could totally become a published author and write a best seller. He's totes the next J.K. Rowling.

Malachi is so awesome in fact, that he is actually Batman!

Yes, that is really Malachi being Batman. He's kind of awesome. 

Also today's post was in green because that's his favorite color. 

Do you have any awesome things to say about Malachi to make him feel better? Comment them below!

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