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It's Creativity Tuesday here at Scribbles! For those of you reading Scribbles for the first time, Creativity Tuesdays (also called Creativity Days) is when Scribbles features a fan submited work. The work can be poetry or a short story. For more information check out Submit a Work.

Today Scribbles features a poem by blog fan, Jackie! 

Deleted Text Messages
by Jackie

We talked. 
That really was the first thing we did. 
You asked what I liked to do, 
I told you I enjoyed staring at the sky. 
I laughed a little because I thought it was pretty lame. 
You called it adorable, 
I called you sweet. 
 You asked me what I like about it. 
I started with the sunrise, 
The warm welcoming orangish shade creeping up
the soft purple sky. 
Then it finally reachs high up,
in a bright blinding yellow that contrasts, 
the light pale blue in the sky. 
 I find that part kind of boring,
but the sight before it makes up for it. 
You found that interesting, 
 I found that funny. 
 I continued talking about the sky, 
I told you that my favorite time of the day is the night. 
It starts out with the sun setting,
allowing her counterpart the
moon to take over. 
But she doesn't just leave in a short simple manner. 
She makes her exit grand,
with a big bang of colors. 
The same sweet soft orange from earlier now,
becomes vibrant as ever. 
And then it fades into a dark violet,
followed by her best friend deep blue. 
At last they fall into a deep dark black canvas. 
Then the moon enters in a mystical way. 
I apologized for my boring description,
of a simple everyday thing .
You told I had nothing to be sorry for
and that I should continue.
Late at night,
I sneak out to the roof top and look up at the night sky. 
The moon and her magnificent glow. 
Surrounded by the stars. 
Is quite a transfixing act I love that no matter how dark it is.
 You can always count on the sun to reflect,
her rays off of the moon. 
To create a mesmerizing glow in the sky. 
That's adequately complimented by
the sparkle of the twinkling stars,
many light years away. 
We laughed together at my attempt to string
together words,
in a highly educated manner. 
You found it cute the way I thought and talked.
 I found it funny that you were still listening to me
go on and on. 
We both agreed that one day we had to get on
top of a roof together,
and stare at the night sky.
 I was pretty sure you were getting bored with
what I had to say no matter,
how much you protested. 
So I asked you what your fears were. 
You said you didn't have any at the moment. 
Then you asked what mine were,
I said not being able to see the sky. 
You asked me why I love it so much,
I laughed and said I don't know,
I'm just weird like that. 
You said you liked weird.
I said I liked you, 
You said you liked me too.

What a sweet poem! Not that Malachi or Sarah would know about relationships being single pringles in all. >.>

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