A Scribbles Break and Fandom Winner

12:33 PM Sarah 0 Comments

WHOOOHOOOO We're all back now! Malachi and Sarah are both here to write Scribbles! :D But there won't be any posts this week D: Why? Well Sarah is tired from a week of solo blogging and still isn't fully rested from her trip to Vegas and Malachi is still tired from his week of camp plus his week of solo blogging. So we thought we would take a break from writing posts for about a week.

So because there is not going to be a fandom post this week, the fandom winner will be announced right now!

And the winner is.... Captain Hook! Woo! *Sarah wonders how many OUATers voted*

Anyone else think he looks hot or is just me? :P 

So that's all for today and this week, Scribbles should be up and running again next week!

While we go on our short hiatus please feel free to share Scribbles with a friend or even an aunt or cousin! Also like us on facebook or even take the #TBT Quiz and read an old post! Or you can even feed the fish (seriously, they're always hungry)! And if you're in the fan club, remember you can always vote to change the fish colors here!

We are still accepting work and question submissions so if you have a poem or short story to share or a question you want us to answer, feel free to submit one.

Make sure you're subscribed so when we do start posting again, you can have updates on when we post! You can do so by entering your email in the "Follow By Email" widget on the right side of the page or you can click this link to subscribe to the YWS Fan Club for the YWSer Scribblets! We even post updates on our Google+ and Facebook page!

Why don't you check out some awesome blogs written by friends of Sarah and Malachi while you're waiting for Scribbles to go back up? On the right hand side of the page there are links you can click to check out our friends blogs!

Try not to miss us too much! We still love you, so please try to still love us for leaving you for a week :P

See ya soon!