Alexi's Grand Adventure Part 10

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Scribblets! What up, guys!?!?!?! It's Monday once again, the fish are all green because Malachi loves the color green and - Just kidding, they are a whole array of colors for the first time in a while, so go feed the new members! In the meantime, Alexi is in quite a mess. Just a few more weeks till her story get's wrapped up! then it's off to Dragonland and I ain't even kidding. So here we go!

Last Week: "They're coming again. This time when they do, you're going to keep shooting. I'll sneak around to the right side of the door. When you're out of ammo I'll hop in and finish them off. If I don't make it, hide. Do not let them find you. Shark is not a nice man. You think you can do that?"
"Yeah," Alexi nodded, this time with a tight grimace.
This Week: It took less then two minutes for the task force to return. Alexi watched as three silver cylinders rolled to a stop about ten paces inside the demolished doorway. For a second nothing happened, and then the cylinders popped open, launching smoke in every direction.

"Smoke screen," Oper advised. "Stick to the plan. "Smoke doesn't stop bullets. Let 'er rip!"
Alexi Slid down to her belly and aimed the heavy gun straight into the center of the smoke. Oper nodded and she squeezed the trigger. A flurry of bullets were heard striking the far wall. Return gunfire popped from somewhere beyond the smoke. Alexi flinched and started firing way. She didn't5 stop. She couldn't. Her finger clutched the trigger and wouldn't let go. Even when Oper waved to signal her to stop as he reached the doorway and prepared to ambush the Shark Task Force.
At last the bullets ran out and Alexi just stayed in the same position. Holding the trigger. There were some screams from inside the tunnel, but the smoke clouded the cameras. Alexi, now nearly deaf from the gunfire, watched as Oper rolled two grenades into the smoky tunnel. A ball of flame erupted five seconds later, and he charged in, guns blazing. Alexi finally realized that she was frozen. She gasped for air, not realizing that she had been holding her breath. She inhaled and coughed, her lungs filling with the smoke. Her vision blurred as tears sprang to her eyes.
She attempted to stand, but sank to her knees. They felt about as stiff as a blob of jello sitting out in the sun. She Simply listened to the gunfire echoed and resounded. There were yells, explosions, brief pauses of silence, and then the gunfire would resume. Alexi at last moved again, checking the cameras on her device. The smoke was clearing, and she tumbled back to her haunches at the sight the cameras revealed. Dr. Oper stood, gun over one shoulder, amid at least a dozen troops. Blood was smeared along the floor and the walls and smoke hung in the air.
He left the tunnel and reentered the large room. Alexi, too tired and frightened and weary to speak, gave him a questioning look.
"They're dead. All of them. But we've only got a few minutes. Let's get out of here. I know a safe place outside where we can open the teleporter and get out of here. We can shut it down from the other side. Wherever we go."
"you mean you don't know where it will take us?"
"It's hard to work. Remember? It was a wonder that you made it here." He stuck his hand forward. "Come."
They hurried through the tunnel. Alexi resorted to staring at the ceiling so as not to heave all over Oper. The reached the other end, slipped through the computer room, whizzed through all the holographic rooms, now simply large open rooms with black walls, soft lights lighting them faintly from above. At last the duo arrived at the white tunnel that Alexi had first entered. It now felt like a millennium ago since she had fallen from her bed into this crazy place.
"It's ridiculous," she whispered. "What's happened to me?"
Oper pulled her into the last room. Her bed still lay shattered into splinters, pillow exactly where it had been when she left. The white glow shone off Oper's smoky jacket in the few places where the slick white material peeked through.
"Let's get you out of here," Oper said. He pulled a small remote from his jacket and pushed a button. The far wall creaked and then swung open. A strong breeze smacked Alexi in the face, and she smelled  distinct smell. Salt.
Can you believe that it's almost over!! Alexi is nearly home. Or is she?!?!? Tune in next week to read the finally crazy conclusion to her adventure! :) Thanks for readings as always, and have a fantastic day Scribblets!