
7:30 AM Sarah 0 Comments

Hey Scribblets! It's Wednesday! Wait, what do you mean it's not Wednesday? It's Tuesday? Wait, that means we are supposed to feature a fan submitted work right? Well sadly, we don't have one to feature..... Just kidding! Of course we have a fan submitted work to show you guys! How could we possibly forget? How dare you accuse us of forgetting! Today we are featuring a poem by the amazing YWSer Tuesday! How fitting that we feature her work on a Tuesday! :D

By Tuesday

Starring up at rainbows, majestic you are but know
We wonder why your colors are so distinct by yet so faint
In awe at how your shadings glow
Subtle lines etched in the heavens like godly paint
Red for power between love and hate
Blue calmly questioning tranquility or pain
Yellow such a beautifully cheerful mate
Green with envious golden gain
Orange so marvelous, so tangible, so there
Indigo and Violet like twins but not the same
One so amusing while the other you compare
Standing on this dampened hill, after the rain you came
A conclusion must be drawn as never to be afraid
A reminder as you show us just how hope is made.

Such an awesome poem ^_^ Have you seen any rainbows lately? Have any stories about rainbows? Feel free to comment them below! 

If you would like to submit your own work to be featured here, click on the "Submit A Work" tab at the top of the page. This week is also Question Friday! Be sure to get your question in! Click the "Submit A Question" tab to submit a question! 

See ya tomorrow Scribblets! 