Welcome To Lyca: Sarah's Novel (A Work In Process)

9:29 PM Sarah 0 Comments

Hey Scribblets! It's Wednesday! And it's also Sarah! Hi guys! *waves* I've been asked by several people to write a post about my current novel, Lyca, so here it is! 

Background on my novel: Lyca was originally called Dragon Boy and was about dragons, not werewolves. So how did I go from a novel about dragons to a novel about werewolves? Really easily actually. I have this tradition where I will write a short story or novel type thing for one of my friends for their birthday. Well, it was Malachi's turn to take part in this tradition of mine. In the past I had just written short stories that take place in the same universe with the MC (main character) being the person who the story is for and their life as a werewolf. 

Well I wanted to do something different for Malachi because werewolves aren't his forte. He loves dragons so I attempted to write about Malachi being a half dragon/half human hybrid. Long story short after working on it from May-September of last year, I just gave up on it. Mostly because dragons aren't my forte. So right before NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) I decided to try a werewolf story again. And Lyca became my really last minute and impronto very under researched novel. 

Overall plot idea: So Malachi and his twin sister are suddenly whisked away from their life in Indiana to Lyca, Maine. Malachi and his twin are actually werewolves. And Lyca is actually a town full of werewolves and werecoyotes in the middle of a war. It's up to Malachi and his sister to end the war. And lots of people end up dying in the process :D 

How far I am in my novel? 1 paragraph in on chapter five. 

Inspiration: Just living in the New England area, going to Maine when I was younger, my cousins, Plymouth Beach, Cabott Cove (from Murder, She Wrote tv show), a previous novel of mine, Salem Witch Trials, my friend Kari, Teen Wolf, Carrie (the book and movies), and my dog. 

Make sure to come back tomorrow for the fandom poll results! 
