Silence Will Fall...

8:00 AM Sarah 1 Comments

I can't remember what this blog post is supposed to be about... Wait... I have a blog? *looks down at arms* *they are covered in tally marks* THE SILENCE!!!!! THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!!!!

For the fans here that are not Whovians (Doctor Who fans, not "Dweeks", that is just insulting to be called that) This made no sense. To the Whovians, they understood the grave danger and either ran and hid out of pure terror, or they went all River Song on the Silence. 

In honor of Doctor Who, this post will be in TARDIS blue. 

*looks to hand* *sees the recording chip light blinking* *presses button and Sarah's voice is heard*

I know that once I stop looking at it- the Silent- I will forget ever seeing them. So I'm going to record as much as I can before I look away or even blink- I can't forget this. Today is April 23rd, the anniversary of "The Impossible Astronaut" airing. The day the fandom was officially introduced to the Silence. The day the fandom puts tally marks on their arms to freak the world out. This day happens to fall on a Thursday- the day Scribbles dedicates to all things fandom. 

*recording ends*

So let's backtrack and explain Doctor Who a bit to our non-Whovian fans.

So that's basically the show in a nutshell. This video is about 2 years old so the only thing that really changed is the fact the Doctor is now on his 12th regeneration, not the 11th.

And here are the Silence:

And here is River Song (Warning: Spoilers) For those of you who got the reference, *high fives*:


And here is my favorite Doctor Who parody music video: 

The best part about Thursdays here on Scribbles is that you can comment below about your favorite part of the fandom. AND when Malachi and I are both discussing our favorite fandoms you can fight it out in the comments (there also will be a poll) and the winning fandom will be announced the following Thursday. 

Icebreaker questions: 

  1. Who has tally marks on their arms? (feel free to post a picture, Im not entirely sure if you can, but I'm sure imgur and photobucket links will work) 
  2. Who is your favorite companion and why? 
  3. If you are new to the whole Doctor Who thing what are your thoughts on it?
  4. What do you have for Doctor Who merch? (merchandise) 
  5. Who's your favorite Doctor(s)?
  6. Things Whovians say (list a couple things Whovians say).
  7. Your thoughts on Moffat.
  8. Why you would make a great companion?
  9. What's your favorite Classic Who and New Who episodes?
  10. For the non-Whovians, how crazy do you think Whovians are after reading all the comments and from everything you know about the show? 
  11. Do you not blink when you see a statue? 
  12. Do you run from cracks in walls? 
  13. Do you ever plan on going to London on Christmas? 
  14. How many Classic Who and New Who episodes have you seen? 
  15. Favorite quotes/lines from the show? 

The best comments will be posted next Thursday so be sure to check back next week and see if your comment is listed! 

Keep it clean in the comments please!


1 comment:

  1. 1, I do! (Though they're starting to fade.)

    2.That's a terrible question...currently it's tied between Sarah Jane Smith, Clara, and Rory.

    3. *is not new to the whole Doctor Who thing*

    4. 11's sonic screwdriver, 11's costume (which I pieced together from Goodwill and Amazon), a fez (which I made), and a couple of bookmarks, one with all the doctors and the other with the painting of the TARDIS exploding.

    5. 11 is my favorite, closely followed by 4. 8, 9, and 10 are tied after that.

    6. Spoilers! (This is seriously my favorite.)

    7. Awesome, brilliant, but so cruel. One word horror story: Moffat.

    8. I wouldn't, I like stability too much and I'm not good at running. I could make witty quips and point out plot holes, though. (I'd still say yes if the Doctor did turn up...)

    9. Really? That's such a hard question... For New Who, probably a tie between Day of the Doctor and Time of the Doctor. For Classic Who, Genesis of the Daleks is amazing.

    10. They'll probably think we're insane.

    11. Of course.

    12. Yes.

    13. Never.

    14. I've seen all of New Who. For classic who, I just finished the 3rd doctor, and I've seen quite a bit of 4, as well as a handful of 1 and 2.

    15. "Just this once, everybody lives!"

    "Because every time you see them happy you remember how sad they're going to be. And it breaks your heart. Because what's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later. The answer is, of course, because they are going to be sad later."

    There are lots more, but these are two of my favorites.
