Harbor Seals, Unicorns, and Sweet Tea!

8:10 AM Sarah 0 Comments

Oh no! Another week has come to an end already? :O Im not sure how this happened. Does anyone have a TARDIS we could possibly borrow? We're going back to Monday so we can write double the posts for Scribbles! ;)

So who's ready for Q&A? :D

1) What got you guys into writing?

Malachi: It was my cousins who got me into writing. They came to my house one year, and they were both talking about NaNoWriMo. It really intrigued my interests about writing in general, and so I attempted a few short stories. When those turned out well I got inspired and began to write a novella which I finished at 38,000 words. Since then it's been all uphill!

Sarah: How could I not get into writing? My entire family (extended and immediate) can all write. Growing up I spent a lot of time with my grandma, who (like everyone in my family) happens to be a writer, and she pretty much inspired me to be a writer at a very young age. At age 5 I actually wrote my first "book" (with some help from my grandma) of our family trip to Ireland. According to my family, I insisted for it to be published. >.> And in my opinion, for 5 years old, I did a pretty good job! It should have been published! :P 

2)Are you guys a couple irl, or are you just good friends? 

Malachi: Bahahah yeah we've known each other for a long time .... KIDDING!! XD We are just really good friends. Like Sarah says, I'm hot, but she's fallen for some other less worthy person. Seriously what do you see in that guy????

Sarah: We met a little over a year ago and it was just love at first sight. Our first anniversary is coming up soon and... :P Nah, just friends, I promise. Malachi is really hot cute in all but eh, I have feelings for someone else. I see a lot of opportunities tease you about him being hotter than you ;P.

3) There are two bombs planted in the middle of Gotham City, one is attached the school bus full of dying harbor seals and the other is attached to a burning preschool with the last unicorn inside...which one do you stop?

Malachi: I don't see much of a dilemma as far as choices go. I mean harbor seals are kinda cool, but those preschoolers are the future of the world ... plus, UNICORN. Just don't get stabbed by it's romping about. >.> Those things are pretty antsy at times.

Sarah: I would stop the preschool with the last unicorn inside. Harbor seals are not an endangered species (to my knowledge) and they are already dying. If a few more die it wouldn't be as tragic as the last unicorn. The last unicorn is the last unicorn so I think saving the unicorn would be more important than the seals.

4) Are you close with your siblings? I always fight with mine.

Malachi: I have six siblings and we all have different relationships. My closest is definitely my sister, while my youngest brother and I are not so close, but don't you dare attack any of them or I'll murder you in your sleep. If you are having trouble, a lot of times you are more at fault then you think, so step back and try being a little more giving and less demanding

Sarah: My brother is my best friend. I have never fought with him. We've annoyed the heck out of each other of course ;) but we have a very tight bond and our relationship is pretty peaceful. I know he has my back and I have his. I really don't know what I would do without him, he's my other half. We just grew up doing everything together and we ended up being really close. We are pretty much inseparable. Why wait for them to fall asleep? I'd beat the crap out of anyone who hurt my lil bro immediately. 

5) Sweet Tea or Unsweetened Tea? 

Malachi: Sweet.

Sarah: Unsweet tea, I don't like sweet things, I do not have a sweet tooth. I like to taste the tea without diluting it in sugar. I actually like unsweetened tea with a couple shots of lemon. I like sour things over sweet things >.>

6) Who's the bigger fandom nerd, Malachi or Sarah?

Malachi: What she said

Sarah: It depends on the fandom. If we're talking Disney or Doctor Who, Im the bigger nerd. If we're talking about superheros and HTTYD then Malachi takes the cake.