Pixar Villains: Sid vs Charles Muntz

8:00 AM Sarah 0 Comments

This is the first real Sarah's fandom vs Malachi's fandom in weeks! Did you miss it? No? O.o You're weird! :P Anyway today is Pixar battle! Charles Muntz from Up vs Sid from Toy Story!

Sarah's Fandom: Sid

Why I like Sid: He's a true man of science! And we all know I'm a science nerd ;) The kid isn't afraid to experiment. I mean, he takes apart toys and then puts them back together to invent new toys, which is a great way to experiment. Yeah, he does try to blow up Buzz, but it was in the name of science! He did help Buzz to fly at last! Yes, kids should not be allowed to play with rockets, but still, he's a young scientist and he should be allowed to explore things.

Malachi's fandom: Charles Muntz

Why I like Muntz: If you are looking for a villain with anger issues, a bit of craziness, and obsession for possession, then you've found your man. Charles is a mas men bent on finding a treasure to clear his name. But he goes over the top and puts people's lives in danger. And he's got plenty of things at his disposal. Transportation, weapons, a dog army, even a hidden location. He is skilled at tracking, at commanding and searching, and he also knows how to keep his dogs loyal to him. He's got resilience and determination, and he never quits. 

Well there 's our quick summaries. Let us know who you think is better at being the bad guy, by voting here  and we'll see you tomorrow!!
